var itemStyle = { normal:{label:{ show:true, formatter:'{b}', textStyle: {fontSize: 20,fontWeight : 'bold'} }}, emphasis:{label:{show:true}} }; option = { title : { text : '2012 World GDP Top 8', subtext : 'from baike (Billion $)', sublink : 'http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=MyQikkoGI08hUfVmiB0g01ZJ6Wpyu18s8e6XdA3dwcI73-i0J7Ce32LuPNqfEWBj2rUcSfIHYIVI0aL8czbS_a', x : 'center' }, tooltip : { trigger: 'item', showDelay: 0, transitionDuration: 0.2, formatter : function (params) { var value = params.value + ''; value = value.replace(/(\d{1,3})(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,'); return params.seriesName + '
' + value + ' Billion'; } }, toolbox: { show : true, x: 'right', y: 'bottom', feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, dataRange: { orient: 'horizontal', x : 'center', y: 'center', min: 2000, max: 16000, splitNumber: 0, // 分割段数,默认为5 text:['16,000B','2,000B'], calculable : true, itemWidth:40, color: ['orangered','yellow','lightblue'] }, series : [ { name: 'USA', type: 'map', mapType: 'world|United States of America', mapLocation: {x:'5%', y:'10%',width:'22%',height:'35%'}, itemStyle: itemStyle, data:[ {name : 'United States of America', value : 15684.7} ] }, { name: 'China', type: 'map', mapType: 'world|China', mapLocation: {x:'30%', y:'10%',width:'22%',height:'35%'}, itemStyle: itemStyle, itemStyle: itemStyle, data:[ {name : 'China', value : 8227} ] }, { name: 'Japan', type: 'map', mapType: 'world|Japan', mapLocation: {x:'55%', y:'10%',width:'22%',height:'35%'}, itemStyle: itemStyle, data:[ {name : 'Japan', value : 5963.9} ] }, { name: 'Germany', type: 'map', mapType: 'world|Germany', mapLocation: {x:'76%', y:'10%',width:'22%',height:'35%'}, itemStyle: itemStyle, data:[ {name : 'Germany', value : 3400.5} ] }, { name: 'France', type: 'map', mapType: 'world|France', mapLocation: {x:'5%', y:'60%',width:'22%',height:'35%'}, itemStyle: itemStyle, data:[ {name : 'France', value : 2608.6} ] }, { name: 'United Kingdom', type: 'map', mapType: 'world|United Kingdom', mapLocation: {x:'33%', y:'60%',width:'22%',height:'35%'}, itemStyle: itemStyle, data:[ {name : 'United Kingdom', value : 2440.5} ] }, { name: 'Brazil', type: 'map', mapType: 'world|Brazil', mapLocation: {x:'55%', y:'60%',width:'22%',height:'35%'}, itemStyle: itemStyle, data:[ {name : 'Brazil', value : 2395.9} ] }, { name: 'Russia', type: 'map', mapType: 'world|Russia', mapLocation: {x:'76%', y:'70%',width:'22%',height:'35%'}, itemStyle: itemStyle, data:[ {name : 'Russia', value : 2021.9} ] } ] };
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